Peeking Behind Making Search Engine

We are very familiar at all with the search engines, when we need help to find something we always use a search engine, or in Indonesian called search engines. It's not a secret, that we do not have to peek, but be free to take a look.

Search Engine is a website portal that provides information search data required internet visitors. To obtain the necessary information, the internet visitors go to the site and do a search. Site search engine famous are Google and Yahoo.

How it works is the first search engine copy and paste all the web pages that exist in the world. Once the data is entered and processed by the algorithm itself. When visitors search for the required data, the algorithm he displays data according to the visitor entered.

That bit of knowledge about search engines reversed which I get from prowebpro. Well now we will learn to create a simple search engine to your blog, even though Blogger is already providing gadgets "Search Box". We will learn to be independent to make Search Engine that searches for keywords only on our blog.

How to create a search engine :

1. Login to Blogger
2. Select Layout and then Add a gadget
3. Choose HTML / JavaScript
4. Insert the following HTML code :

The source code is action="" method="get"> <input class="textinput" name="q" size="20" type="text"/> <input value = "Search" class = "buttonsubmit" name = "submit" type = "submit" /> </ form>

5. Blog name change with your own name (URL) and 20 is the width of the box search engine, you can customize it yourself.
6. SAVE.

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