Located roughly 2,600 miles southwest of Hawaii, American Samoa, a United States territory, comprises ten volcanic islands (five inhabited) and two coral atolls (one inhabited). In 1988 Congress authorized the land for a national park.
In 1993 Samoan chiefs agreed to sign a 50-year lease that enables the National Park Service to manage an area of rain forest, beach, and coral reef on three islands. Samoans help manage the park, and their villages offer a few guest facilities
Teal water ideal for snorkeling surrounds Ofu island in American Samoa National Park. Part of the Manua volcanic island chain, Ofu is sparsely populated and has miles of pristine beach.
How to Get There
There are flights to Pago Pago from Honolulu twice a week that take 5.5 hours. Time from California is about 14 hours, including a 3- or 4-hour Honolulu layover. From the airport, taxi or rent a car to the Sadie Thompson Inn, Sadies by the Sea Hotel, Pago Airport Inn, Tessarea Vaitogi Inn, Tradewinds, or Motu-o-Fiafiaga Motel. From any of those accommodations you can reach the park visitor center in Pago Pago by bus or car. Accommodations are also available on Ta'u, Ofu, and Olosega. To get to Ta'u requires about a half-hour flight from Pago Pago while Ofu visitors are transported to Ofu Island by local fisherman. Ofu's park begins at the edge of the airport; parkland on Ta'u is about a half-hour walk from the airport.
thanks to : travel.nationalgeographic.com
PO Box 4240, Pago Pago AS 96799, American Samoa
Suite 200, Ottoville Center One, Corner Ottoville
Ili'ili Roads, Tafuna, American Samoa
Phone: 1-684-699-9805
Fax: 1-684-699-9806
Email: info@americansamoa.travel
Ofu Beach - American Samoa
Rating: 4.5
Diposkan Oleh: Unknown