- Damaging the reputation of spam comments
Imagine a visitor come and read your post pages , as I did above . The visitors then see spam in the comments below . He will think long to leave a comment , because his comments " simply " be judged " small " among these spam comments . Trust in you is declining because of the blog management and authority . Similarly, for spammers . Also declined against the trust . The more spam made by him , getting down reputation , because he is more known as a spammer . The danger , if it turns out the product carries a spammer or other websites (such as spam backlink services ) , products and websites that should not have affected innocent participate .
- Comment spam lowered SEO ranking
You were already clearly know and see that Google lowered the ranking sites that direct link to poor quality sites , and also low-quality sites themselves .
In an article published in 2009 ago, I talked about the fact spam comments :
a. Abusing the comment feature on sites that should not be at fault is a bad way and at risk . If so what happened , then you have tarnished the hard work and reduce the quality of one's website , changing a source of quality information into a set of keywords that do not make sense .
It deals with the content of the comments that are totally irrelevant to the content of the article / post . It means that the comment is not intended to discuss or respond to the content , but only to promote , leaving traces , and other bad purposes . Irrelevant comments made consistency and relevance of content in a page down . The more spam , declining relevance. The effect is obvious to the ranking .
b . Spammers often use the comment feature to build a website link ( which is questionable quality ) in order to improve the ranking . I have an understanding of web link graph , and has algorithms to detect and deal with spam links ( now also supported Penguin ) . Spammers could spend hours up to a day to leave a trail of links in various blog posts . Actually this is in vain , because only a small effect or no because I was very keen to not give weight to the value of such links . Instead of spending time and energy is wasted as it is better use to create products useful content for the Internet community .
Noteworthy is the site that contain spam links . Although the site was not guilty , did not even know , but visibility and ranking can be decreased dramatically because of these links . So if your website receives links of this kind , and the number is mounting , ratings or rankings then you are at risk . Hundreds of links , though nofollow , will remain dangerous because it shows the ridiculousness of a web page . Provide referrals to hundreds of external links and is not relevant is not good and reasonable , both in the human eye and search engines . Especially if your web dofollow comments , can you imagine for yourself the effect .
- Comment spam hurting world Blogosphere
In my opinion , a blogger is not only responsible for their own blogs , but also to the whole world blogosphere . If a blog allows comments spam and let it happen , it means that he gives understanding to the spammer that they may do whatever they like on other blogs . If a blogger has a habit of spamming , so he gave the signal to the world of the internet that all bloggers are also doing the same thing , while providing a permissive negative examples that do spam the comment is fair . It all started with one , then mushroomed into a reasonableness . It would really hurt the blogosphere where the blogger should be able to meet, discuss , share ideas , and socialize comfortably .
I can imagine how many dead blogs daily routine still bombarded by spam . In fact there are many of them die due to spam blogs !
- Dealing with Comment Spam Solution
As a personal policy , I am now doing moderation before comments can be published as well as change the features commentators to avoid anonymity . Previously I did not do moderation , but because too many spammers now have a Google or Blogger profile , and spam is still flourishing , the forced moderation is taken as the solution . It's very effective , I can filter out , even answering critical comments with much better because of all the sequence and read comments .
As a suggestion , here are some points that can be done to prevent comment spam and effect :
1 . Do not allow anonymous comments . A truly intend to comment certainly was not hiding .
2 . Use captcha or similar tool to avoid automated comments ( robot ) . It is most common in blogs CMS like WordPress .
3 . Use or module antispam plugin ( Akismet , WP AntiSpam , whatever you think is effective ) if you are using CMS platform such as WordPress .
4 . Use rel = " nofollow " on comment . On some blogs such as WordPress , Blogger , Joomla , etc. The existing attribute by default .
5 . Turn on comment moderation . It's the way that I think is most effective .
6 . Remove immediately if found spam comments .
- How to Identify Spam Comments
Such means moderation will not be effective if you can not comment in depth look . It could be a spam comment would qualify because it seems to look natural . The following characteristics are clear and cryptic :
1 . Comments containing links . Never tolerance as well as any comments that contain links . Because comments containing links has clearly had its own objectives despite the commentators seem sincere .
2 . Name commentators ( anchor text ) is too generic , or use general keywords . Usually dominated by name drugs , gambling , housing , etc. or generic keywords consist of long words , such as keywords SEO contest . There is no other purpose than " worshiping Google " .
3 . Comments are quite short and as praise , with commentators on it the name of the keyword is not relevant at all . Usually something like, " Nice site " , " Nice blog " , " Cool " , " Thanks " , etc. . I think comments such far-fetched .
4 . Long comment but too common . Often encountered in English or translate results from Indonesian and vice versa . As praised , sometimes criticized . Example : " You have a very good topic to talk about . It is a luck for me to drop by ? Keep up the good work ! Only , your site is too slow . But it's okay . I will come here often . " This is a generic phrase , usually done by a robot , or used by spammers manual many times in various comments ( copy and paste ) . Certainly varied . There are automatic backlink services that provide template content of the comments , in PHP , JS , etc. .
5 . Often there are comments that insert relevant links in the comments . Usually done manually . Examples of " good blog tutorial mas . So knowing how to make the permalink . " There is no other purpose besides looking for the relevance and direct backlink adore " the god of SEO " .
6 . Comment away from the topic straightforwardly . Example : " There is good news . Proven ABC Online Businesses pay , do not miss this opportunity . Directly visit LINK " .
7 . Comments and or commentators names contain affiliate referral link . It is clear , there is no tolerance at all !