Besides being able to see the five species of sea turtles are often visited this beach , there is still have Java tiger ( reportedly ) . It also can be seen buffalo , leopard , deer , and various types of monkeys . Of species of birds are peacocks , various eagles and hornbills . In addition, the flora here include Rafflesia zollingeriona and Balanphora fungosa . Beautiful landscape with charming beaches can be done in Green Bay . For those who are not satisfied with the adventure of watching turtles lay eggs can perform other activities , among others . exploring the woods around Mount Bandealit and Wear . Can also rock climbing and rope climbing down a cliff in Bandealit coast .
This area is preserved in the form of protected areas since 1972 . Until 1979 Sukamade turtle eggs are still hunted by the pengumpulnya . However , now the collection , removal of saplings , and catching turtles is strictly prohibited , because the green turtles , including protected species . According to the research report WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature ) , the most common green turtle nesting in Sukamade . And from there the data is sometimes absent some kind of nesting for several years , but then returned again .
Turtles will avoid the beach when he was about to land to lay eggs if there is a spotlight . This is why the distance is set to come ashore Sukamade is by foot. For the owner of a sedan type car , you should not have to do exploration in the jungle to beach Meru Betiri Sukamade , because after entering the door post Betiri Meru , the road is no longer paved . No longer a macadam road , but the road is full of pointy rocks . In fact , to get to the beach Sukamade , travelers will pass five cars tributaries where the water is knee-deep in adults, not to mention the rainy season can be as high as jeep .
Rough terrain to the location can Sukamade dilalaui jeep . Because of adventure , jeep rental owners opened the whole hood , and replace it with a tarp roof . Be , travel to Green Bay and Beach Sukamade a challenging tour . For access to the city via Sukamade can Banyuwangi . Distance between Banyuwangi Sukamade to about 98 kilometers .
The facility in this location include: Pondok Wisata , Camping Ground is equipped with a pavilion for meeting rooms, shelters , street tourist trail , information center , labs and work cottage .
Another tourist attraction in the coastal mangrove forests Sukamade is located on the east coast estuary Sukamade . The river can be used for canoeing while doing bird watching . Birds such as bird - Roko Roko , sea eagles , terns and many more sea birds that can be observed . Bird watching is usually done while waiting for sunset .
Towards Betiri Meru National Park can be reached via 4-lane road from both of Jember and Banyuwangi :
- Jember path - Ambulu - Curahnongko - Bandealit ( Meru Betiri Gateway to the West ) at about 64 km can be reached in about 1.5-2 hours with vehicle two-wheeled or four .
- Jember path - Glenmore - Sarongan - Sukamade ( Meru Betiri Gateway to the East ) along the 103 km can be reached within 3.5-4 hours with vehicle two-wheeled or four .
- Jember path - Genteng - Jajag - Pesanggaran - Sarongan - Sukamade along 109 km can be reached within 3.5 - 4 hours with vehicle two-wheeled or four .
- Banyuwangi path - Jajag - Pesanggaran - Sarongan - Sukamade along 137 km can be reached within 5 minutes by motor vehicle .