Create green you still do not know much about the blog world , there are some terms you need to know . Those who had a red , eat a lot of salt which has the world blog also does not hurt to really read and read this article . Here deliberately not arranged alphabetically but organized by category , respectively .
* Blog
- Blog : a term first used by Jorn Barger to describe a group personal website is always updated continuously , and contains links to other websites that they find interesting along with the comments .
- Weblog : Another term of the blog .
- Blogging : the activities carried out in the blog world .
- Blogger : someone who does blogging .
- Other meanings : a blog from google services .
- Blogosphere : in the blogging community .
- Posts : activities to submit articles to the blog .
* Forms of Blogging
- Photoblogging : a blog that focuses on the world of Photography and the pictures .
- Podcasting : a method for distributing multimedia files ( video / audio ) online through feeds
- Autocasting : podcasting form automatically.
- Blogcasting : merging blogs and postcas in a wensite .
- Vlog / Vlogging : blogging types who prefer to use the video rather than text .
- Audioblog / Audioblogging : blogging types who prefer to use the audio / music rather than text .
- Moblogs / Moblogging blogging activities by using HP (mobile ) .
* Components and Functions Blog
- Index page : the front page of the blog .
- Header : the top of the blog .
- Footer : the very bottom of the blog .
- Sidebar : the columns that are on the blog .
- Link : process to connect to a post / contains or to your website / blog to another .
- Archive: collection / archive of all posts . Can be grouped in the months , years and so on .
- Categories : set / specific group of some articles .
- Commnets : Kompentar - comments from blog readers .
- Captcha : short for " Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart " , which is an image that contains the word or letters that must be typed in for verification . Useful to prevent spam .
- Ping ( Packet Internet Grouper ) : serves to inform the services associated with the blog ( like tchnocarty et al ) that we have to add or update the content of our blog .
- Trackback : serves to inform that we link to blog posts or articles for other people .
- Blogroll : a set of links to other blogs dijukan .
- Template : basic design blog .
- Plugin : a file that serves to increase feature2 blog .
- Dashboard : a view that contains controls , tools , settings etc. The first time we logged on to the blog account .
* Service Provider Blog
- Blogger / Blogspot : free blog service from Google .
- WordPress : One of the other free blog services , has a feature that is more complete than but we can not tinkering with HTML script , if you want to edit must pay first , so why can not edit the free ones .
- LiveJournal : Tolls free blogging from SixApart
- TypePad : Tolls blogging is not free ( paid ) from SixApart .
* Bloging Habits
- Metablogging : writing articles about blogging .
- Blogstipation : being lazy bloggers blogging , because being in a bad mood or not pingin blogging .
- Blogopotamus : a very long blog post .
- Bleg : is when someone begging on a blog .
- Blego : Blog + Ego , size blogger wealth .
- Blog Hopping : Moving from one blog to another blog .
- Blogroach : commentators who disagree with a blog post or content , usually expressed with harsh words .
- Blogoholic : Addicts Blog .
- Blogorific / Blogtastic A terrible thing of words blogger .
- Blogsit : Maintenance blog when the blog's main owners are traveling or on vacation .
- Blogvertising / blogvert : ads on the blog .
- Blurker : Readers who blog just to see it , do not give comments or anything.
- Blogathon : mengaupdate blog every 30 minutes and for 24 hours non - stop .
- Blogiversary : Birthdays Blog .
- Blog Carnival : Link to another article that disguised with a specific topic .
- Multiblog : running multiple blogs .
- Tipping Blog : praise or congratulations every 1st of each month .
- Blogger Bash : Party bloggers .
- Reciprocal Links / Link Exchange : Link Love or , mutual linking between blogs that one with another blog .
- Linkbaiting : write a good article that linked by other blogs .
- Hitnotice : refresh browser repeatedly to see the hit - counter or see if there are new comments or not .
- Blogstorm / Blogswarm : Activity huge community of bloggers .
- Blogsnop : reject responses from commentators who are not his friend .
- Doppelblogger : bloggers who copied content from another blog .
- Blogophobia afraid of blogs or blogging .
- Blogeerel : The same opinion is sent repeatedly on a blog .
* Types of Bloggers
- Problogger : Bloggers who are professionals .
- Blogebrity : Bloggers are very famous , celebrities like that.
- Blogerati : Community Bloggers who are clever-clever .
- Blognoscenti : Blogger who has a special ability .
- Commnetariat : Community commentators ( you know emangnya there ? : D ) .
- Dooced : losing a job because of his blog .
- Blogther : friends / relatives / family bloggers .
- Blogstar : Blogger who operate blogs are very popular .
* Web / Blog Feeds
- Web Feed : format the data provided for the user to be able to subscribe to a blog post .
- RSS : XML is a file format for sindikas . RSS lets you subscribe to a web / blog that provides the feed ( feed ) RSS . RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication ( RSS 2.0 ) , Rich Site Summary ( RSS 0.91 , RSS 1.0 ) RDF Site Summary ( RSS 0.9 and 1.0 ) .
- XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) .
- RDF ( Resource Description Framework )
- Atom : almost the same as web feeds .
- Photofeed : web feeds with image attachments .